Togo Oil & Marine (TOM)

Below is the transcript of a letter that has been issued by the  Benin navy on their commitment to secure our waters. 

Nº 13-351/EMG/CAG/SA

Cotonou, July 15th, 2013


The protection, security and safety of Benin Maritime space stands represents to the government as a national priority, with regard to its maritime façade and the Cotonou seaport as well, are vital in the economic and social development of Benin. When any fresh outbreak of unlawful acts (act of bribery and armed robberies) was noticed in 2011, Benin government has promptly reacted so as to thrash out such a threat. Yet, in 2012, only two acts of bribery attempts could be remarked (at the border, farther than 50 sea chart Coast). Until now, no other attack has been perpetrated so far.
Apart from some important diplomatic commitments engaged in a sub-regional framework and the writing of a national strategy of maritime protection and safety, Benin government has adopted concrete and operational measures to maintain at its best level, his maritime level.

Thus, in the harbor of Cotonou, Benin Government has executed some security zones which indications are sent to “Bureau Maritime International (BMI)”, to “Organisation Maritime Internationale (OMI)” and finally to Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (SHOM). Those anchoring security zones indications are presented as shown below:

Benin Naval Forces have presently set up six modern military and well equipped patrols. They all the time assure, night and day as well , some maritime patrols, particularly in the secured anchoring zones.

In this framework, the “Centre de Commandement des Operations Maritimes (CCOM)” of Benin Naval Forces (Permanent watchfulness of channel 16 VHF, Fax Telephone number: 00 229 21 31 75 43 / email:, the look-out post of Cotonou seaport, the signal stations of grand-popo and Cotonou complete the watch device and the maritime façade control.

Followed-up operating mode: Every navy in contact with Cotonou seaport look-out post on VHF 16/14/12 in order to define the anchoring conditions is listened to and registered on the spot by the signal station of Benin military marine. The later one is then duly aware of the position and the number of ships in the secured zones. Any ship, willing to be connected can then directly get in touch with Benin navy so as to give information or alert it.

The maritime device adopted by Benin allows to secure Cotonou seaport maritime routes, at the entrance as well as at the exit. Benin government is committed to safeguard the safety and the security of the anchoring ships remarked in the above-cited zones.

Consequently, shipping companies are invited to prefer these zones rather than distant and solitary anchoring, rendering more uncertain, states means of interventions.
The Benin government is looking forward to hearing the preoccupations of economic actors. In fact, some adapted solutions to some particular escort demands or ship watching will be object of deeper studies.

[Seal and Signature]
Le Contre-Amiral Dénis Hounsou GBESSEMEHLAN

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