Togo Oil & Marine (TOM)

Extension of GAC-OMA network agreement to include Ivory Coast

GAC is further strengthening its presence in West Africa with the extension of the GAC-OMA network agreement to include the Ivory Coast. The extension of the network comes after the country’s return to stability in late 2011 and its rapid re-establishment as one of the world’s leading cocoa producers. Exports of other products such as […]

Port Congestion update

ABIDJAN           3 days delay to berthing due to 2 berths (out of 5) currently under repair. COTONOU    Containers berth: Waiting time still 24 to 36 hours. General cargo berths:  Waiting time for rice cargo vessels 45 up to 60 days. Rainy season causing delays to vessels discharge. Mineral berths (East jetty):  Waiting time for bulkers […]