Togo Oil & Marine (TOM)

News from Ghana: February saw OMA Ghana move into new premises in Tema. We have taken up the whole of the north side of the second floor of the Atlantic Plaza building. All fitting out was completed on schedule this month and the spacious offices now allow dedicated areas for OMA operations and Hapag Lloyd Agency functions. The new address is:

OMA Ghana, Second Floor, Atlantic Plaza, Community 1, P. O. Box SC441, Tema, Ghana

In another development, we signed an important new account last month and as a result our Tanker activities have increased significantly.

News from Benin: The cotton season has started in Benin. As one of the key export cargoes from Benin, the government has provided excellent support to cotton producers and this year we expect production of around 400,000 tons. Export to Asia takes place continuously from January to July.

The Canadian Cooperation have generously equipped the Togolese Maritime Police with a new Zodiac Hurricane (Hydrojet). Historically only the Togolese Navy was equipped with a fast boat patrol. This same organisation has also donated four Zodiac, three Land Cruiser vans as well as Transmission Equipment to the Benin Maritime Police this month. These donations are greatly appreciated and will increase security as well as assist in fighting sea crime.

Oil & Gas: OMA Ghana now produce a regular newsletter with the latest Oil & Gas news. To see the latest update go to Oil & Gas News If you would like to receive these updates direct to your inbox please email

Port Berthing Times update:

2-3 Days MPS Terminal Tema – container vessels
no delays to berthing for container vessels Lome
no delays to berthing for container vessels Cotonou
no delays to berthing for container vessels Lagos

HSSE & Compliance: Management and staff in Benin, Togo and Ghana are in the process of completing a course in Compliance and Ethics. The next training course will be held in March 2013.

Our full HSSE policy can be found at OMA Group, our HSSE mission is that OMA Group Country Managers and staff consider that a healthy, safe, secure and environmentally sustainable workplace is of paramount importance for all of those involved either as family, employees or customers of OMA, either from a shipping, logistics or marine perspective.

All offices were delighted to welcome GAC Executives as part of their tour of Ghana, Togo and Benin and all offices have reported an increase in enquiries and appointments as a result of the GNA that was signed with GAC at the end of last year.

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