Togo Oil & Marine (TOM)

On 1st March, the Benin government launched its 2013 campaign for cashew nuts, which marks the beginning of the export of cashew from the port of Cotonou. Cashew nut is the second most important commodity produced and exported after cotton from Benin.

An Inter-ministerial Conference of ECOWAS and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) on maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea, was held in Cotonou, Benin Republic on 19th March 2013.
Both communities started collaborative efforts in 2011 aimed at developing a joint maritime security strategy to counter emerging and interlinked threats to safety and security at sea.
This followed the adoption by the UN Security Council of Resolutions 2018 and 2039, urging countries in West and Central Africa to take urgent steps to check piracy and armed attacks at sea on national and international levels.

OMA Togo has created a new record for clearance formalities and delivery of containers in Togo!

During the port call of the MV Quest of Adventure on 14th March 2013, the operator despatched four containers with provisions for the vessel. These containers, originally expected on the 7th March and then delayed to the 12th March were finally made available in Lome on the 13th March. Normally it can take 5 working days to clear and deliver the containers.

Thanks to the excellent local relationship between OMA and Togolese Customs, Port Authorities and the Shipping Line, customs formalities were able to start on March 13th, Customs remained with OMA’s agent during the night enabling the containers to be discharged to a special location and then delivered directly to the cruise vessel.

All containers were discharged at 0300 hrs and delivered to the vessel at 1000 hrs on the 14th March. A local, and possibly a West African record!

 OMA Ghana welcomed Tim Phillips, Director Operations of Hapag-Lloyd Africa (Pty) Limited to our Tema office.   This visit confirmed that the Hapag-Lloyd’s operational structure is on the right track to further build the future business requirements in Ghana. Tim Phillips in blue shirt is pictured surrounded by the OMA team.  The  Hapag-Lloyd Regional Sales meeting for Hapag-Lloyd South Africa and their agents from  Dakar, Abidjan, Accra, Lomé, Cotonou and Lagos also took place in Cotonou this month.  Hapag-Lloyd is the world’s fifth largest container carrier, and OMA Group represent the line in Ghana, Benin and Togo.
Ghana targets an economic growth of 8 percent this year, according to the country’s 2013 budget read in Parliament by Finance Minister Seth Terpker.

The 8 percent growth includes the oil sector, the Minister said as he announced macroeconomic targets for 2013.
Mr Terpker told Ghanaian lawmakers that “real overall GDP growth including oil of 8 percent; real non-oil GDP growth of 6.5 percent; average inflation of 8.9 percent; end period inflation of 9 percent and overall budget deficit equivalent to 9 percent of GDP.”
He told the 275-Member Parliament that “based on the policies and strategies to be pursued in the medium term, the economy is projected to grow at no less than 8 percent from 2013 to 2015. On annual basis, it is projected that real GDP will grow at 8 per cent in 2013, 8.7 per cent in 2014 and 8.9 percent in 2015.
The government projects that the country’s economic growth will remain strong as inflation expected to remain in single digit in 2013.

Oil & Gas: OMA Ghana now produce a regular newsletter with the latest Oil & Gas news. To see the latest update go to Oil & Gas News If you would like to receive these updates direct to your inbox please email

Gary Miller and Ian Treder attended various functions during International Petroleum Week (IP Week) in Feb 2013 to meet with old friends and associates at this annual event. We would like to thank all those that we managed to meet during this hectic week.

TTC are now our logistics insurers. With effect from the beginning of April OMA is pleased to announce that we have concluded an agreement with the TT Club as underwriters for our logistics insurance policy. This demonstrates OMA’s growing reputation as a significant logistics provider in Ghana, Togo and Benin.

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