Togo Oil & Marine (TOM)

Last month saw a joint charity event in Togo. OMA Togo, the British Council, the British Royal Navy who were visiting, and several local businesses all came together to paint, decorate and carry out much needed repairs at the Groupe de priere Bethel et Orphelina, an orphanage in Lome. Some of the children seemed to get as much paint on themselves as the walls but it was hailed as a very successful day and much enjoyed by all!

OMA Benin handled three cruise ship visits last month
, the Silver Explorer which called twice and the National Geographic Explorer (pictured here)

During a recent conference in Tema, the Managing Director of Hapag-Lloyd (Pty) Ltd, Mr Holger Schwesig congratulated the Hapag-Lloyd team at OMA Ghana Ltd for their great service achievements.  The conference covered the challenges of the shipping industry in 2013 as well as training and skills transfer.

OMA Ghana’s weekly roundup of maritime, political and local news for the West African region this week can be found here:  Ghana News and to see the latest Oil & Gas News, prices and exchange rates go to Oil & Gas News

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