Togo Oil & Marine (TOM)

OMA is delighted to announce the signing of an agreement with the GPHA (Ghana Ports & Harbour Authority) which appoints OMA Ghana as managers of a newly implemented dedicated Ship to Ship (STS) exclusive zone, inside ports limits of Tema Port in Ghana.

The GPHA announced in March that it will be compulsory for all STS operations undertaken in Ghanaian Territorial Waters to be conducted within this Zone and a special tariff has been implemented, a copy of which is available on request.

The Director General of the GPHA commented: “The decision to dedicate an area for STS operations in Ghana waters has been taken to provide a safe, secure and controlled area to help develop this specialised operational activity.   

The mandate to manage the zone has been placed on OMA Ghana Ltd who have extensive expertise and knowledge of STS operations along the coast. The Port has agreed all operational mechanisms with OMA Ghana to ensure smooth operations in the zone. “

The dedicated zone will be patrolled continuously by the GPHA and the Ghana Navy and falls within these coordinates:

Position (A) LAT 050 29”.00N  LONG 0000 04’.00E
Position (B) LAT 050 32’ .00N LONG 0000 09’.00E
Position (C) LAT 050 30’ .00N LONG 0000 11’.00E
Position (D) LAT 050 27’ .00N LONG 0000 06’.00E

All prospective users of the zone should contact OMA Ghana for necessary assistance:

Gilbert Owusu Gyamfi
Oil and Marine Agencies Ghana Ltd
Second Floor, Atlantic Plaza, Community 1, Tema I P. O. Box SC441, Tema, Ghana
Tel:   +233 303 203945  Fax:  +233 303 203 763  Mobile:  +233 209995934 +233 244604081

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