Togo Oil & Marine (TOM)

This website uses cookies.

Cookies are tiny text files that get downloaded by this website onto the device (i.e. laptop or smartphone) you are using to visit this website. These files allow us to recognize the user’s device and store details about their preferences (ironically only to store whether you want to accept cookies or not).

For example, cookies can:

  • Save user login details – this website doesn’t have a user registration function
  • Measure how often a user visits your website and which pages they visit
  • Target relevant advertising to your visitors – this website doesn’t use targetted advertising

We use these cookies to enhance the user experience of this website as they provide us with useful information to help improve our understanding of our website visitors eg.

  • the type of device
  • the type of browser
  • when and for who long a user is active on the site
  • what pages a user accesses
  • what part of the world the user is accessing the website

None of this information contains any personal information about the user (eg. name, email address).